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- Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
- From: hpa@eecs.nwu.edu (H. Peter Anvin N9ITP)
- Subject: Mini-HOWTO: Linux/MS-Windows swap space sharing [revised]
- Reply-To: hpa@nwu.edu (H. Peter Anvin)
- Organization: Northwestern University Electromagnetics Laboratory
- Approved: linux-announce@tc.cornell.edu (Matt Welsh)
- Dear Linux friends,
- about two weeks ago I posted a mini-HOWTO about how to share swap
- spaces between Linux and MS-Windows. However, I have since gotten
- feedback indicating some details were unique to my particular setup.
- Hence, here is the revised version, that hopefully will work better.
- Note: the included scripts have changed. I am not 100% sure, but I
- have a suspicion the problems stemmed from a different interpretation
- of back quotes `..` in bash 1.12 and 1.13. The revised versions
- should work for all versions of sh.
- A mini-HOWTO
- by
- Peter Anvin <hpa@nwu.edu>
- Copyright (C) 1994 H. Peter Anvin
- VERSION: 1.1 Date: 14 Apr 1994
- Many people use both Linux and MS-Windows. The ability to do so is an
- important part of "the Linux revolution"; i.e. letting people
- experiment with (and get hooked on) Linux while still being able to
- run their off-the-shelf software. Since both Linux and MS-Windows use
- virtual memory with swap to disk, a frequently occurring question in
- comp.os.linux.help is how to share swap spaces, in order to reduce the
- amount of disk space needed.
- There are several methods for sharing swap spaces, the one described
- in this document is probably the most complicated one but is the only
- one I have encountered that allows maximum performance for both
- environments without the risk of trashing a disk partition.
- This procedure have a few requirements that need to be filled. I
- strongly recommend that you fill these requirements *anyway*, as there
- are several problems with older versions.
- * MS-DOS 5.0 or newer [tested with 6.2]
- * MS-Windows 3.1 or newer
- * A shutdown/init that knows to run a file on shutdown.
- (The SysVinit-2.50 package can do this, for example.
- SysVinit-2.50 is available from sunsite.unc.edu in
- /pub/Linux/system/Daemons)
- * Boot DOS. Create a DOS partition (using FDISK) the size = the size
- swap space you want. It will be assigned a drive letter; use that
- drive letter instead of X whenever these instructions lists a
- command like "LABEL X:" or "COPY FOO X:DUMMY.DAT"
- * Format this partition using the DOS FORMAT command.
- * Set the volume label on this partition to "SWAP SPACE" using the DOS
- LABEL command. Verify it by the DIR command. Please do this as a
- separate step. Some versions of FORMAT do not seem to put the
- volume label in the boot sector as it should. [Note: some people
- has written me saying the volume label is stored in the root
- directory. Yes, but at least since DOS 5.0 it has also been in the
- boot sector.]
- DIR X:
- * Start Windows. Go to the Control Panel, select "386 Enhanced".
- Select "Virtual Memory" and create a Windows Permanent swap file on
- drive X: of maximum size (Windows will tell you the maximum size).
- Windows may complain saying it will not use a swap file that big.
- Ignore the message and create the file anyway.
- * Exit Windows.
- * Boot Linux, then log in as root.
- * Use the fdisk command to find the name of the partition and its size
- in blocks. Create a symbolic link from /dev/winswap to this
- partition. If the paritition is hda7, then type:
- ln -s /dev/hda7 /dev/winswap
- [NOTE TO PURISTS: Please use a symlink. The name of this partition
- is going to go into several configuration files and inconsistencies
- could be fatal.]
- * The following is a shell script that analyzes the partition and
- derives some special information; extract it as "msinfo", set it
- executable and run it as:
- msinfo /dev/winswap
- ----[CUT HERE]----
- #!/bin/sh
- #
- # Extract special sector information from an MS-DOS partition
- #
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
- if [ "$#" != "1" ]; then
- echo "Usage: $0 <partition-name>"
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -r $1 ]; then
- echo "$1: Permission denied"
- exit 1
- fi
- DOSVER="`dd 2>/dev/null if=$1 bs=1 count=8 skip=3`"
- SECSIZE=`dd 2>/dev/null if=$1 bs=1 count=2 skip=11 | hexdump -e '1/2 "%u\n"'`
- RESERV=`dd 2>/dev/null if=$1 bs=1 count=2 skip=14 | hexdump -e '1/2 "%u\n"'`
- FATS=`dd 2>/dev/null if=$1 bs=1 count=1 skip=16 | hexdump -e '1/1 "%u\n"'`
- ROOTDIR=`dd 2>/dev/null if=$1 bs=1 count=2 skip=17 | hexdump -e '1/2 "%u\n"'`
- FATSIZE=`dd 2>/dev/null if=$1 bs=1 count=2 skip=22 | hexdump -e '1/2 "%u\n"'`
- LABEL="`dd 2>/dev/null if=$1 bs=1 count=11 skip=43`"
- FILESYS="`dd 2>/dev/null if=$1 bs=1 count=8 skip=54`"
- if [ $EXTRA != 0 ]; then let ROOTSEC=$ROOTSEC+1; fi
- echo "Formatting DOS version: $DOSVER"
- echo "Filesystem: $FILESYS"
- echo "Volume label: $LABEL"
- echo "Sector size: $SECSIZE"
- echo "Reserved sectors: $RESERV"
- echo "FAT sectors: $FATSEC (${FATS}x${FATSIZE})"
- echo "Root directory sectors: $ROOTSEC"
- echo "Total special sectors: $SPECIAL"
- ----[END OF SCRIPT]----
- Take note at the number saying "Total special sectors", and verify
- that the volume label says "SWAP SPACE". If it does not, reboot DOS
- and re-do the LABEL command. If it still does not work, please
- inform me about which version of DOS you are running, and I will try
- to help you out.
- * [Optional step] Windows may occationally leave some space on the
- partition, even if it is told not to. Don't attempt to use this
- space, since it will be erased any time you run Linux. If you want
- to avoid accidentally using it (and lose data), you can create a
- dummy file that fills that space by using the following commands:
- mkdir /mnt
- mount -t msdos /dev/winswap /mnt
- dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/dummy.fil
- umount /mnt
- The dd command will report "No space left on device". This is
- exactly what you want.
- * Check the name of the shutdown file. For SysVinit this is the file
- listed in the following line of /etc/inittab; add it if you don't
- have it.
- # Runlevel 0 means shut down the system
- l0:0:wait:/etc/brc
- For the remainder of this file, I will assume the filename was
- /etc/brc.
- * Type:
- dd if=/dev/winswap bs=512 count=XXX | gzip -9 > /etc/winswap.gz
- ^^^
- Replace
- ... where XXX is replaced with the "Total special sectors" number.
- * Add the following piece of code to your /etc/rc file (or whatever
- your init calls it), right before the command "swapon -a" (if there
- is no such command, add it to your /etc/rc file right before any
- mount commands).
- If your swapon is in /etc, replace /sbin/swapon with /etc/swapon.
- If it is in /bin, replace with /bin/swapon. Do the same for mkswap.
- Replace XXXXX with the actual size of the partition in blocks, as
- given by fdisk.
- #
- # Verify and initialize swap space
- #
- echo -n 'Verifying swap space... '
- if [ "`/bin/dd 2>/dev/null if=/dev/winswap bs=1 count=10 skip=4086`" \
- = 'SWAP-SPACE' ]; then
- echo 'Linux signature found'
- /sbin/swapon /dev/winswap
- elif [ "`/bin/dd 2>/dev/null if=/dev/winswap bs=1 count=11 skip=43`" \
- = 'SWAP SPACE ' ]; then
- echo 'DOS signature found'
- /sbin/mkswap /dev/winswap XXXXX
- /sbin/swapon /dev/winswap
- else
- echo 'No signature found'
- echo 'ERROR: Will not swap'
- fi
- * Add the following piece of code to your /etc/brc file (or whatever
- it is called); put this after any command that might need swap to be
- in place.
- #
- # Terminate swapping and restore DOS/Windows swap info
- #
- /sbin/swapoff /dev/winswap
- if [ "`/bin/dd 2>/dev/null if=/dev/winswap bs=1 count=10 skip=4086`" \
- = 'SWAP-SPACE' ]; then
- echo 'Restoring DOS/Windows swap info'
- /bin/zcat /etc/winswap.gz | /bin/dd of=/dev/winswap 2>/dev/null
- else
- echo 'ERROR: /dev/winswap lacks swap signature, skipping restore'
- fi
- * Reboot Linux. You should now have swapping on the new swap device.
- * There is no need to add /dev/winswap to your /etc/fstab file.
- * If your Linux session crashes or otherwise exits without running
- /etc/brc, you will need to reboot and exit Linux before swapping in
- Windows will work. It is also possible to FORMAT X: and re-create
- the Windows swapfile. The only way around this would be to put the
- equivalent of the /etc/brc commands in the DOS AUTOEXEC.BAT file;
- unfortunately I don't know of any way of doing that in DOS!
- --
- INTERNET: hpa@nwu.edu FINGER/TALK: hpa@ahab.eecs.nwu.edu
- FIDONET: 1:115/511 or 1:115/512 STORMNET: 181:294/101
- #include <sig/virus.h>